This blog is for practical backpackers who are craving for endless and fun adventures. We'll help you make an ordinary trip into a once-in-a-lifetime experience - may it be on the mountains, at the beach, on an island, or to somewhere you never know your feet could take you.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Bluewater Falls and Cave in Cagayan

Bluewater falls and Caves

Bluewater falls and Caves

The Bluewater Cave and Falls are located at the town of Baggao, which is a first class municipality in the province of Cagayan. This place has to be the most unbelievable place we've been so far. Unbelievable in a way that we've never imagined such a magnificent beauty of nature exists in this part of the country. It is located 62 kilometers north of Tuguegarao City. We were not surprised, though, how it has kept its raw beauty as it is within one of the most hidden places hence not much tourists visit this area. As of November 2014, we saw that there is an undergoing construction of roads leading to the Bluewater, making it more accessible for nature enthusiasts.

Imagine the view of endless waterfalls and the relaxing sound of the waters hitting the rocks, Bluewater is definitely one of the attractions you shouldn't miss when visiting Cagayan. The adventure starts with the 2-hour trek from Barangay Pallagao Bascag. One can also explore inside the cave, but with the help of your guides. Life vests are required as there are parts of the cave when you would need to dive in the cold waters just to get to the other side. Awesome crystal formations in the cave will also amaze you.


Country: Philippines
Region: Cagayan Valley (Region II)
Province: Cagayan

It is specifically located in Barangay Pallagao Bascag in the municipality of Baggao.


The 2 to 3 hours of trekking will start from what they call "Barnold's Store." There really isn't a name posted on the store, you just need to ask the locals where it is.


By Air - The fastest way to get to Cagayan is through a flight to Tuguegarao. Air travel takes only about an hour. Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines have available flights going there.

By Land - If you have an extra day in your itinerary and are opting for a cheaper fare, take the bus instead. Land travel takes 10-12 hours and it's best to travel at night in order to arrive in Tuguegarao by morning. Victory Liner, 5-Star, and Florida buses have daily trips going there. Fare is around Php 600, one-way.

From the city of Tuguegarao, take the van bound to Tallang (one of the barangays in Baggao). 

From Tallang, you can ask the locals in the terminal if there is a motorcycle (2-wheel motor vehicle) available that can take you directly to the Barnold's Store near the Bluewater Cave. When we went there in November 2014, the road is under construction. The motorcycle can still try to pass through the muddy road, just ask the driver if he could take you beyond Barnold's so it could save you at least 15-20 minutes of walking.

You can contact Manuel Dela Cruz, one of the local guides there, to arrange for a motorcycle. Please be reminded that there is no cellphone signal in their barangay, but you can still try to reach him through 09366689673.

If there isn't a motorcycle available in Tallang, you can just take a tricycle going to Dapir  (It is in Sta. Margarita and the place is marked by a big white kalesa or horse-drawn carriage). From there, ask the locals where to get a "kulong kulong" (a tricycle with no roof) or a motorcycle that would take you to Barnold's Store.

Bluewater falls and Caves
Take the right trail.

After 15-20 minutes of walking from the Barnold's Store, you will see a fork or an intersection of two roads. Take the road on the right going down and is marked with a yellow arrow posted above.

Bluewater falls and Caves

Another few more minutes and you will reach a small house that is the registration site for the visitor's of the Bluewater Cave. 

Bluewater cave

The registration fee is Php 20 each. 


Tent (bring your own)
Makeshift house (pay at a voluntary amount)

We arrived late in the afternoon and it was raining so our guide advised us to continue our trek to the Bluewater tomorrow morning. If you brought a tent with you, you can take the risk and spend the night in the forest near the cave/falls. The locals say that it rains everyday there hence make sure that your tent is waterproof and can survive the cold night. However, it is advisable to stay near the registration site for safety purposes. There are two makeshift houses at the registration site. They allowed us to stay in one of them. The owner was so kind and was not asking for any amount. But if you're in a group, we suggest giving them at least Php 500 as a way of helping them.

Near the falls is a picnic cottage under construction. It is probably one of the new projects of this barangay to attract more visitors. Four to five tents can be pitched near this area if you plan to stay there overnight.

Bluewater cave
Enjoying the icy cold water.

Bluewater  Cave

We weren't able to pass through the cave's entrance due to the strong current and had to take another way and climb through the big rocks to enter. 

Bluewater Cave

Bluewater Cave
Arm and leg stretching involved :)

Bluewater  Cave
The stunning view from inside the cave

Inside the cave

Bluewater Cave

Bluewater Cave

For more pictures of our Bluewater adventure, please go to our Gallery page.


Manuel Dela Cruz 
+63 936.688.9673
For Motorcycle and Cave guide


1. Bring your ID. The barangay captain might ask for it for identification purposes.
2. You can get a guide in going to the falls, however, if you plan to enter the Bluewater Cave, one guide is required for every 2 pax. Rate is Php 250 per guide.
3. If you want to reach up to the end of the cave, you may want to bring your own inflatable life vest as your guide will not provide one.
4. It is best to visit this place during summer especially if you're planning to camp near the falls. Also, the trail is muddy and slippery during the rainy season.
5. The Bluewater Cave/Falls is only one of the side trips you can take while in Cagayan.


Group of 4

Php   1,000 ($24) - Motorcycle from Tallang to Brgy Pallagao (roundtrip)
           500   ($12) - Voluntary payment for an overnight stay
           500   ($12) - Guide fee (2 quides for 4 pax)
           250    ($6)  - Food and water supplies 
Php   2,250/4 - 562.50 each ($13.50 each)
                    200  ($5) - Van from Tuguegarao to Tallange (roundtrip)
                 2,000 ($48)- Plane ticket to Tuguegarao (roundtrip, discounted price due to a promo)
Total budget  Php 2,762.50 each ($66.50)

This is only one of our many destinations in Cagayan hence the money is definitely worth it. To maximize your budget, we suggest to visit not just one place in a particular region. Ask the locals on wherelse you can explore. 

Watch out for our next posts narrating our experiences in Palaui Island (Cape Engano Lighthouse), Crocodile Island, and Anguib Beach. 

  • There are 25 waterfalls of different sizes in Pallagao near the Bluewater Cave. You can ask your guide to take you there and see all of them!
  • You will also find the Kalamudinan Falls that is located 26 kilometers from the center of Santa Margarita in Baggao. It is more than 100 meters high and rich of shrimps (locally called udang) and fishes.
  • If you are craving for an extreme adventure, you can dive in Duba Cave. It is also located in Baggao. It is a wet river cave and a swimming cave. Almost all passages with water, which is about 70% of the way to the Skylight Falls, have large breakdowns or walls without handholds along the side so the only way through is to swim. Because of this, it is highly recommended that personal floatation devices (PFDs) are used by all entering the cave. This will ensure a safe return trip especially after the long swims in.

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